Last week, Brian Flusche (one of our students) defended his Ph.D. dissertation entitled "Analysis of Multi-Modal Fusion for Target Detection in an Urban Environment". Brian's research reflects how many people are using DIRSIG to simulate data in an effort to explore the value of new and novel exploitation schemes. In this case, Brian was trading the value of hyper-spectral imaging vs. polarimetric imaging vs. a combination of the two for doing target detection in an urban environment. In addition to his great use of DIRSIG (you can't expect us to be unbiased!), Brian was able to draw some very interesting and valuable conclusions. It you would like too watch his defense, it was recorded and is available here . A copy of his dissertation is available here . The DIRSIG Team would like to congratulate Brian on his work and the successful defense of his Ph.D research. Good job, Dr. Brian.
A blog about the Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation (DIRSIG) model featuring posts contributed by the developers. This is not a user manual and it is not a training class. But, it is a place to see what the developers are doing and a little about how we do it. So think of this as a place to learn cool tips, tricks, etc.