The Final Release of DIRSIG 4.4.2 is out. This release is primarily a maintenance release to address a few bugs in the 4.4.1 release.
The following is a summary of fixes and features added in this release:
We wish to thank those early adopter users for their participation in this release. And we invite you all to give the new features in 4.4.2 a try. It is available for immediate download on myDIRSIG.
- Significant performance improvements to LIDAR simulations (~20x faster)
- Adaptive sampling support in the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Data-drive focal plane support in the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Improvements to graphical "Simulation Preview" tool
- New extended-area, directly viewable sources
- New "Refinery" scene
- 10 new demonstrations
- Bug fixes related to using the "Classic" atmosphere model
- Improved compatibility with MODTRAN5 2.0.0
- Issues with platforms on space based platforms
- Issues with platforms on the ground looking at exo-atmospheric objects
- Scene Editor upgrades
- New "General" tab with preview image
- Option for implicit scene "base directory" using the location of the .scene file
- More meta-data than just the scene "name"
- Platform Editor upgrades
- New tabbed layout of the focal plane editor
- Improved data-driven detector array geometry support
Scott and Adam