In a previous post, we discussed the advantages of using OBJ files in DIRSIG.
This tutorial video shows how Blender can assign DIRSIG materials to an OBJ geometry mesh. Basic familiarity with Blender is a prerequisite.
The idea is simple: in the OBJ file, the "use material" (usemtl) string will specify a DIRSIG material id rather than just an arbitrary material name. The OBJ's "material library" (mtllib) string is ignored by DIRSIG.
This tutorial video shows how Blender can assign DIRSIG materials to an OBJ geometry mesh. Basic familiarity with Blender is a prerequisite.
The idea is simple: in the OBJ file, the "use material" (usemtl) string will specify a DIRSIG material id rather than just an arbitrary material name. The OBJ's "material library" (mtllib) string is ignored by DIRSIG.